YOU NEED TO TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR FUTURE There Are Three Kinds Of People In This W…


There are three kinds of people in this world:
The first is the Moviegoer. This person watches the movie of their lives, admires some parts and criticizes others. Aside from that, they do nothing else. All she says the whole day is, “I like this thing and but I don’t like that thing.” The Moviegoer feels she has absolutely no control of their lives — except to comment about it. Moviegoers are the most pathetic, miserable people in the world.
The second is the Actor. This person does not only watch the movie of her life. She actually realizes she’s the Actor – and can control a big part of her life. She can actually make or break the movie – by how well she delivers her lines and how she portrays her character. Actors are a happy bunch, realizing they’re the start of the show and enjoy some level of control. But many times, they wish the movie would end in another way – but realize that they have no say in such things.
The third is the Scriptwriter. This person does not only watch, and she doesn’t only act, but she actually creates the entire movie from her mind. She determines what she will say, what she will do, and how the movie will end. She realizes she has enormous control over her life, and sees to it that the movie of her life will turn out beautiful.

1.) who are you among those three people? and why?
2.) what does the story tries to convey about getting to know everything?
3.) how does knowing oneself better make a person accept his/her strengths and limitations, anr improve the way he deals with others? ​

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i dont know


how can i answer you its so hard